Equal is unequal equal (2021)
Equal is unequal equal = ? =A live radio show co-produced with Artlink.Where and when are we all the same? What is a "normal" person? What can you do against…
Equal is unequal equal = ? =A live radio show co-produced with Artlink.Where and when are we all the same? What is a "normal" person? What can you do against…
Poison and bile.If you don't want to hear, you have to feel. A radio play by Klaus Enser-Schlag, radio play series "Schreckmümpfeli" SRF 1Guardian angel Amadeus wants to help Roger…
The Owl Experiment. An interactive show in co-production with the Fabriktheater der Rote Fabrik Zurich, Museum für Kommunikation Bern, Center Culturel Opder Schmelz Luxembourg, Kulturzentrum Neimënster Luxembourg, Theater am Gleis…
Always darkest before down (2009) Laura Kalauz and Diana Rojas introduce the participants to Zurich's "invisible spaces" on a walk designed for art passers-by. The two actresses draw attention to…
200mmA project by Diana Rojas and Martin Schick, in co-production with the concept office of the Rote Fabrik Zurich and the Theater Tuchlaube Aarau.A ballroom in 2012, 3 generations, music…
3—times/The FutureAn international theater project in co-production with the Theater Stadelhofen Zurich, the international theater festival Schäxpir in Linz and Neimënster, LuxembourgBeing a child, growing up, growing up, getting old.…
+/- 0%About trying to understand why people always want to be better than their human counterparts a radio project with the concept Office of the rote Fabrik ZurichGrowth is considered…
Work 4.5 (2016)Work 4.5 is an eventful "listening and running film" by Zurich's neighborhoods 4 & 5. Self and constantly we are challenged, promoted, called and warned: Be focused, be…
A midsummer night's dream (2016)A performative reading in co-production with Le Center Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster in Luxembourg. On the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare's death! In one…
Mini Zuekunft "What I want to be when I grow up? No idea. What I wish for the future? No idea. What does the future means for me? Yes, I…