The Owl Experiment.

An interactive show in co-production with the Fabriktheater der Rote Fabrik Zurich, Museum für Kommunikation Bern, Center Culturel Opder Schmelz Luxembourg, Kulturzentrum Neimënster Luxembourg, Theater am Gleis Winterthur, Theater Tuchlaube Aarau and Theater Purpur Zurich

The “Uhu Experiment” is an individual listening experience and a space for collective reflection at the same time. Throughout situations of philosophical dilemmas on the theme of lies and truth, the participants make decisions and directly shape the work. In the case of impromptu responses, the audience following the game can either lie to bend the lightning, or obediently stick to the truth. Their bodies change the layout in space. Opposite positions become negotiable, different roles can be assumed. It is about the desire to think and the courage to say your own opinion or not. Theater professionals act as dedicated directors, with a set of documentary stories and interviews that were created in collaboration with a class from the Entlisberg school.

Direction and Concept: Diana Rojas-Feile.
Music: Victor Moser.
Set design and costumes: Theres Indermaur.
Performance by and with: Lukas Kubik, Victor Moser, Diana Rojas-Feile.
Artistic advice: Corsin Gaudenz.
Production and amp; Theater Education Luxembourg: Hello! Production/Tammy Reichling.
Photography: Claudia Popovici.
Graphic Design: Miriam Hempel.
Funding: Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur, Pro Helvetia – Schweizer Kulturstiftung, Stiftung für Radio und Kultur Schweiz SRKS/FSRC, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art, Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Zürich, Migros. Kulturprozent, Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung SIS, Georges und Jenny Bloch Stiftung und Hamasil Stiftung.
Grosser Dank an: 5te Klasse Schulhaus Entlisberg.