“A project that impresses with its intensity and emotional honesty”.Thurgau culture, July 11, 2018 to the article

“My life is one maybe”. Interview on “I thought we are all human” Radio Kanal K, Aarau 16. June 2017 to the radio interview

“Diana Rojas balancing art and clichés” . Bund, Berner Zeitung, Tages-Anzeiger and – Sonntags-Zeitung, May 20, 2017  to the article

 “I’m thrilled … The idea of turning a topic like self-reliance into an accessible, walk-in space for the audience is very clear to me. As a spectator, you get the opportunity to” look “for everyday life in which one would otherwise … the change of input and also again being left alone with your own thoughts creates depth and identification “. Jessica Sabasch, Science Notes magazine, Spring 2017

 “The performative audio-walk through two trendy Zurich districts […] gave surprising, humorous and thought-provoking insights into a working world that is in the area of conflict between self-realization and self-exploitation. […] The five audio walks met with participants from the fields of art and science On a big echo, all were completely booked. “. HSG Focus, 30. November 2016 to the article

“Petopia promise an hour of the highest theatrical enjoyment!” Küsnachter, March 11, 2015 to the article

“Diana Rojas takes a personally colored thought adventure into the ego addiction and questions the quest for growth”. Xymna Angel, The Bund, 25 February 2015  to the article

“Camus lives in the middle of the ocean, there are no sandy beaches and palm trees on the island, because it is all waste, a piece about the dependence on man and nature.” Announcement on art-tv.ch, March 2014  to the video

“Petopia” … Fleet songs alternate with funny crafting scenes, wild bottle storms with comforting moments of comfort, as a young woman crashes with her plane (as inverted little prince, a playful Diana Rojas). to the article

“…der überbordenden Phantasie und unbändigen Spiellust (Krone und Rojas), denen das Publikum hier eine Stunde lang begegnet… Nur schon die gestaltete Bühne ist äusserst originell!”. Anne Bagattini, NZZ, 25. Oktober 2013 zum Artikel

“… the exuberant imagination and unbridled playfulness (Krone and Rojas), which the audience meets here for an hour … Only the designed stage is extremely original!”. Anne Bagattini, NZZ, October 25, 2013  to the article

“… the project is unusual, or, in other words, getting used to, but interesting and, ultimately, fascinating, because” 200mm “conveys insights, insights, even” Entklemmung “. It encourages not just thinking about social distance, but at least temporarily overcoming it … “Rosmarie Mehlin, Aargauer Zeitung, 23 January 2012  to the article

“In” 200mm “, we are exploring conventions in our society with the two performers, which in the course of digitization are increasingly tending to be unembellished and anonymous …” Andreas Tobler Tagesanzeiger, February 10, 2012  to the article

“Contacting the body.” In this project on social distance, participation is recommended.What better than body contact !, says Rojas, releasing endorphins and hormones of happiness, reducing stress hormones and boosting self-confidence … Corina Freudiger, Züritipp, February 2, 2012 to the article

“The group Mandarina & Co, founded in 2008 by the actress Diana Rojas, does theater for children – but on praised princesses and other fairy tales one waits in vain, but rather focuses on current social phenomena …” Corina Freudiger, Züritipp, 25th March 2010 to  the article

“Without the grandiose enjoyment of the Zurich-based Diana Rojas and the one-year-old Swiss colleague Gerber – both well known in Zurich – disintegrate the concept-heavy piece, but the two sing and play (directed by Seraina Dür) so great that the Creaking of the multiculture project is almost drowned out “. Alexandra Kedves, Tages-Anzeiger 2 March 2009  to the article

“Dani Levy hooked up for commercial for the first time and Diana Rojas played with it!” Personally November 8, 2007 to the article “The audience sees a colorful, happy and turbulent theater” .- Interview with Diana Rojas, Apéro Lucerne, 10 June 2007  to the article

“A small, fine theater box, a piece of magical theater … the piece of children unfolds as surprisingly visually.” Berner Zeitung, April 20, 2007  about the article

“Eine kleine, feine Theaterkiste. Ein Stück magisches Theater… so überraschend vielsichtig entfaltet sich das Kinderstück”.– Berner Zeitung, 20. April 2007 zum Artikel

“The paper becomes the projection screen for a video film with images from Colombia about which Diana Rojas draws and tells her about her homeland, and the two actresses skilfully mix drama, video and narrative”. – Website Cultural Network for Africa, Asia and Latin America, March 24, 2007  to the article

“Y? Who are you? “Is the name of the work of the newly formed group of Colombian Diana Rojas and Brigitte Woodtli from Berne, to whom proven children’s theater cracks have joined: Fabienne Hadorn (director) and Gustavo Nanez (music)” … Züritipp, March 22, 2007  about the article