Anger (2023)
Anger An interactive music performance in co-production Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik Zurich, Theater Chur, Jungspund Festival St. Gallen, Roxy Birsfelden Have you already been angry today? What do you do when…
Anger An interactive music performance in co-production Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik Zurich, Theater Chur, Jungspund Festival St. Gallen, Roxy Birsfelden Have you already been angry today? What do you do when…
"Solo-alone-in Solitude" Interdisciplinary art project and installation in co-production with the Kaserne Basel and artlink If we could hear loneliness, what would it sound like? What would lonely objects tell…
Malleus Maleficarum 2.2 Audiowalk for Esch2022 Luxembourg - European Capital of Culture Along an auditory trail on the Haard hill in Dudelange, this trail invites you to discover the power…
A Walk to my self A Video Walk through the city of Bern Experience Bern through the eyes of Firas Shamsan, filmmaker, blogger and photographer who fled Yemen: With smartphone…